Description based on the Specified Commercial Transactions Act

Sales company name (company name)SEN CERAMIC WORKS Online
Owner NameShusen Shibata
Location2-5-56 Nago, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka 813-0024 Japan.
ContactPlease message from contact page
Selling priceProduct prices are displayed on each product screen.
Payment methodPayment methods are acceptance to credit cards and cash on delivery.
Product purchase methodAdd the items purchase to the shopping cart, proceed to checkout, and choose the methods of payment before complete your purchase.
Product delivery timeIf you do not specify a delivery date when placing an order, your order will usually be shipped within two business days of the order completion date. Please note that delivery may be delayed due to bad weather or other force majeure.
Costs other than product chargesShipping costs will be added to the purchase price. The product price includes sales tax.
Returns / CancellationsIf you receive a product that is different from your order, or if the product is damaged or soiled due to an accident during delivery, please take a photo of the product as it is and contact us immediately with the photo. After checking the situation, we will process the return and send you a new replacement product, with the shipping charges paid by you. We do not accept cancellations due to customer convenience after the product has been ordered. In addition, we cannot accept returns or exchanges due to customer convenience after the product has arrived. Please note that we will refuse to accept the product if it is returned without contacting us or receiving our consent. The cooling-off period does not apply to EC transactions.
Special conditionsEven if the delivery company’s storage period expires due to a long absence after the product has been shipped and the product is returned, no refund will be made. In addition, you will be responsible for the return shipping fee and the redelivery fee if you wish to have the product re-delivered.