Why not bring your dreams to life in the nature-rich suburbs of Fukuoka?

Instead of just playing with clay, enjoy pottery by treating the clay as a living thing and playing in harmony with it!

Lesson Details

In pottery, various techniques are required to create a work of art. In our studio, you will learn the four basic techniques of pottery. These four are the potter’s wheel, the mold, the hand building, and the tatara. The techniques are introduced below.

  • Potter’s Wheel
    The clay is shaped on a rotating disk. The goal is to learn how to use water on an electric potter’s wheel and how to shape bowls. Through this class, you can experience the importance of pottery wheel techniques in adjusting the size and thickness of the vessels we use every day depending on the purpose. It’s difficult at first, but it gets more interesting as you get better, and pottery is synonymous with pottery wheels.
  • The Molding
    A mold is a method of forming something using a plaster or unglazed mold, and you can learn about press molding and casting. Using a mold, you can make many identical items. Works are mass-produced using plaster molds from original shapes made of clay. Several processes are required to make one piece, and you can learn how mass-produced pottery is produced.
  • Hand Building
    Hand-forming, also known as string-making, involves kneading clay by hand into string-like shapes. It is an ancient technique with many possibilities, and its flexibility allows for the creation of large works.
  • Tatara
    Tatara is a technique for cutting and pasting slabs of clay to form shapes, and is characterized by the fact that clay of the same thickness can be easily made using a tool called a tatara board. It can also be used to form flat ceramic panels, tiles, boxes, blocks, and more.

We have introduced four basic techniques, but you can enjoy pottery by combining the techniques or creating your own original techniques from these.

Learning basic techniques in a pottery class and improving your skills through your own expressiveness is the secret of being an artist and the joy of creating art. From everyday pottery, vessels, and ceramics to earthenware excavated from layers of the earth from long ago, retreating (to a quiet place to recuperate) can also help you achieve and cultivate mental calm.

Available days and times

Every Wednesday and Thursday (Please check the calendar for course dates)

Class hors: 120 min. from 10AM / 120 min. from 1PM


Opening Charge: 5,000 yen (Tax Included)

  • Monthly 2 times course (5,000 yen tax included)
  • Monthly 4 times course (10,000 yen tax included)

Clay cost required separately. 1kg from 1,000 yen (tax included) (firing cost included.

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